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Finey Industrial Limited
कई विशेष चीज़ों वाला आपूर्तिकर्ता
Guangdong, China
मुख्य उत्पादों: डिस्प्ले रैक, दुकान फर्नीचर, खुदरा स्टोर प्रदर्शन, स्टोर स्थिरता, प्रदर्शन
Finished product inspectionCooperated suppliers (10)Years in industry(7)On-site material inspection
शीर्ष चुनाव
देखें अधिक

Finey Store Fixture is a retail shopfitting specialist manufacturer with over 10 years experiences, specializes in providing Customers with low-cost, practical solutions in line with customers & brand identities. We have successful shop design casesincluding,Smokeshop, clothing shops, bags & shoes shops, jewelry & accessories shops, optical shops, mobile phone shops, pharmacy shops,shopping mall & kiosks, etc.

This supplier has been verified onsite by world-leading inspection company,
दुनिया की अग्रणी निरीक्षण कंपनी द्वारा ऑनसाइट सत्यापित करें, INTERTEK Group

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